
I’m a Grandma for the very first time!!! 

That means I’ve been on a bit of a vacay this past week while I squeal with delight just about every moment of every day!  I hope I never wipe this delicious smile off my face!


Seriously, there is nothing more magical than the miracle of a new life being brought in to this world, and we are so fortunate that Levon has graced us with his presence.  Mom, Dad and baby are settling in beautifully.


I’ve been asked if I feel old now, but NO!  I feel like I’ve just come alive again!!!


This new, tiny, perfect little soul has both grounded me in reality and catapulted me in to chasing my wildest dreams!


As I hold Levon, I am completely present … it’s as though time stops.  Watching and feeling his every breath, taking in his scrumptious newborn smell, his wee fingers, toes, nails, nose and those beautiful little lips, I am oblivious to anything else going on. Can you tell my heart is singing??


As he sleeps, I’m in awe of how peaceful and calm he is.  I wonder what is going through his little mind or body when he makes funny faces in his sleep (is he smiling or is it gas?).  When his eyes are open, he appears so alert! I see them searching, taking it all in (focused or not) and letting all the sights, sounds and smells make their imprint.


At the same time, I am drawn back to the newborn days of my boys.  Funny how easily we can be transported back in time and recreate those motherly feelings all over again. Butterflies of fear, excitement and unconditional love!!


I know, as parents (even though there is no rule book) we create “rules” to live by based on our upbringing, our beliefs and our need for some kind of order in our lives.  I recognize now, that my way was only “a way” and that my boys were going to be who they are regardless of my boundaries, wishes and issues.  We do our best with what we have, what we know and what we learn along the way.  Today, I wish my son and his wife love, compassion and understanding as they beautifully take on their role as proud new parents.


As a Grandma, it’s a new beginning for me too!  A new role in life – an exquisite role in life!  I’m excited to learn how Levon sees the world at each and every stage of his life.  I look forward to hearing about his dreams and witnessing how they evolve as he does.  Seeing (or imagining) the world through the eyes of a new human will allow me to release the biases that have so often been my default setting; to remove barriers to what I thought was possible and just imagine and go after what IS possible.


Now that I’m not the parent, I have the opportunity to put the “Grand” in Grandma!  I welcome this role as a reminder to truly live and experience every moment of every day.  To take in everything and everyone around me with wonder and delight. To worry less and live more!  To find reasons to squeal with delight every single day!


I want to play, wonder and experience life in ways I feel like I’ve forgotten about; to get down on the ground and get dirty; to be silly; to let go of the should’s and shouldn’t’s in life; to laugh my head off; to get bumped and scraped, pick myself up, dust myself off and keep on going; to inspire and be inspired!


Wait a minute …. Wouldn’t life be grand if we deliberately put that kind of GRAND in life?  Nobody has to wait to become a GRANDma/pa…  It’s never too late![/fusion_text][tagline_box backgroundcolor=”” shadow=”yes” shadowopacity=”0.7″ border=”1px” bordercolor=”#7b7da6″ highlightposition=”top” content_alignment=”center” link=”” linktarget=”_self” modal=”” button_size=”” button_shape=”” button_type=”” buttoncolor=”” button=”” title=”Over to YOU!
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What can you start doing today to create your “grand” life?
What dreams have you put on hold because “dreams are for kids”, or so you were told?
What can you do to bring back that childhood playfulness?
How do you pick yourself up and dust off when you’ve been bumped or fallen down?
Don’t wait to become a Grandparent to “come alive” again …
Create a reason to “be alive” every single day!

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